Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nevada Museuam of Art

Today  I took the family to the museum with me.  It was a fun and new experience for all of us.  My girls did not particularly care for the food.  Per my project we studied the Chester Arnold collection. We all agreed on the painting I would do my report on.  Over and above the Arnold collection we enjoyed quite a few peices on the second floor of the museum.  I do not remember the artists name but he was from vietnam and he weaved photographs into another picture. Then there was another artist that use photographs and a lap top to create his artwork. I was surprised at how much my girls enjoyed themselves.  We also learned of art classes that they offer for free (for the children) on the last Sunday of each month.

Coming soon to a blog near you. My report on Arnold Chester.

Until then,

1 comment:

  1. Wow - these are really provacative. Thanks for sharing this. I'm going to share it on facebook..hope that's okay.
