Monday, September 27, 2010

The Homeless Vehicle

Krzysztof Wodiczko was born in Poland and immigrated in 1984 first to Canada and then to the United States.  He is now a professor at MIT. He has done many innovative works of art.  For instance, portable and wearable communication outfits and the homeless vehicle.   
While living in New York City in the winter of 1987 he was appalled by the amount of people who were homeless.  He felt the city was a failure to the homeless community by not providing some type of shelter for the homeless.  So, he asked himself "What can we do for individuals struggling for self-sufficiency on the streets today?" (A World of Art, 51)  His solution was to build a vehicle for the homeless.  He took to the streets asking and observing what the homeless would need or want in the vehicle. 
             The vehicle started as simple shopping cart and he transformed it into something that has a place for doing wash, resting and sleeping.  It also has a compartment for holding cans and other small items that need storing. 
This is a link to the video of the homeless vehicle

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I chose to do a picture of my sister in-law.  Eventually I will have some type of picture of each member of my familia.  Angela is my brothers wife. 

For those of you going crazy looking for the website.  All you need to do is go to paste magazine.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Chester Arnold

My Visit to Chester Arnold Exhibit
Chester Arnold was raised in post war Germany, but he was American by birth. “The opening of my first paint box at the age of 16 was the opening of a life..." States California based Chester Arnold (Linda Hodges Gallery.)  His studio is cluttered with toys and other objects, and some of these objects can be seen in his paintings.  He also keeps a sketchbook and journal with him at all times.  When he is in his studio painting he uses a table top palette.  Sometimes he will scrape all the paint off and reuse the pallet and other times he uses a fresh one.  Another interesting thing he does is he writes about the work of art on the backside of the canvas he is using. 
            His paintings are as much about politics as they are about social responsibility.  When viewing Arnold’s work I had a hard time deciding which painting was “the one.”  There was Road to Paradise painted in 2008, Dirty Laundry in 2002, and Redemption in 2006, How the West was Won in 2007, and after much looking Tree Service spoke to me.  In the painting there were men cutting trees down, a pile of trees burning in the background, and trucks hauling trees away.  I believe he was trying to depict how we are destroying our earth.  Trees provide us with the oxygen we breathe, food for animals, shelter for the wild, etc.  By cutting the trees down we are driving the wild out of their habitats, and by burning the trees we are putting pollution into the air.
            I enjoyed the entire exhibit, and the way he depicted our thoughtlessness towards mother earth.  It made me take a look at my tendencies to recycle or not, or how I see other people throw out their belongings with no care to whom or what it affects.


Banksy is a graffiti artist from the UK and is known all over the world.  He does not consider himself an artist, but most people look at his work as if he is an artist.  Banksy also gives a voice to those who may not have voice.  He also has somewhat of a cult following.  Some view his work as defacing property and would like to see him arrested.  Banksy painted 9 images on the Palestinian side of the Israeli West Bank Barrier. One of the paintings was a ladder up and over the wall, another was of children digging a hole under the wall.  He has paintings at ground zero, on busy New York streets. One of which is a police officer with what looks like a pink poodle balloon dog in a muzzle. Banksy has also self published several books of his works of art. His identity is unknown.  There is an official Banksy web-site that is registered under another name.  Some believe it is him using and alias or that maybe it is his mangers name.

The photos to the right are all done by Banksy and taken from his official web-site and the Brian Swell Art Directory

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nevada Museuam of Art

Today  I took the family to the museum with me.  It was a fun and new experience for all of us.  My girls did not particularly care for the food.  Per my project we studied the Chester Arnold collection. We all agreed on the painting I would do my report on.  Over and above the Arnold collection we enjoyed quite a few peices on the second floor of the museum.  I do not remember the artists name but he was from vietnam and he weaved photographs into another picture. Then there was another artist that use photographs and a lap top to create his artwork. I was surprised at how much my girls enjoyed themselves.  We also learned of art classes that they offer for free (for the children) on the last Sunday of each month.

Coming soon to a blog near you. My report on Arnold Chester.

Until then,

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Art Appretiation

Today started like any other day, and then I went to my art appreciation class and was forced into starting a blog.  I have never blogged before in my life. Imagine my surprise when I found out we would be blogging our assignments.  For all to see!! Here goes nothing, and I hope you all enjoy the future blogs. 

Have a creative day!